

PETER FESSLER / Here's That Rainy Day
PETER FESSLERはベルリンを拠点に活動を続けるギター&ボーカリストアル・ジャロウも感銘を受けたという4オクターブを自由に操るボーカル・テクニックは圧巻、リズミカルで優しく語りかけてくる透明感のある楽曲の数々。?「Your Eyes」のソウルフルな声、オススメです。ピアノとのセッションも最高!

Fessler was born in Cologne, Germany. At the age of twelve, he began studying jazz guitar. At the age of 20 he crossed the Atlantic for the first time, embarking on a musical journey that would take him into the world of sessions
Upon his return to Europe, Fessler began a concentrated study of jazz vocal technique at the renowned Cologne Music Conservatory. Soon after, Fessler became the front man and voice of the latin jazz oriented TRIO RIO. After this he recorded "My Songs", his first solo album. Since his return to Europe he has continued to tour, performing live on the concert stage and logging numerous television and radio productions along the way. Fessler's voice can be heard by children all over Germany in the title role of the Walt Disney film "Aladdin", the German version.
Following the release of his recording "Don't Tell Me", Fessler dedicated his next four recordings to jazz and latin-jazz repertoire while simultaneously exploring the territory covered by his own compositions.
Since his spectacular duet performance with Al Jarreau at the Montreux Jazz Festival, Peter Fessler has been considered the premiere jazz voice of Germany.
Randy Crawford, Bobby Mc Ferrin, Toots Thielemanns, and many other stars also recognize his unique talent and singular ability. As one of the next generation's jazz stars, he has earned his place on the international stage.
Fessler's designation as "a phenomenon of European jazz vocalists" is accurate. If critics call him to often a "Multivoice" or a "Vocal-virtuoso", Peter Fessler rather refuses. His saying is: "when you sing too much the virtuoso style, you get's the applaus, but not the heart of people".
Fessler's recent recording and his performance as a "solophonic" musician is a breathtaking fusion of voice and classical guitar. He has found the perfect sound asthetic: quiet, warm, sensitive and fascinating.
Peter Fessler


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