「Dubtribe Sound System」


友人のハウスにはまっている影響で最近はハウスを開拓しています。テクノ系ダンスミュージック=ハウス。マシーン・ビートと、ブラック・ミュージック由来のソウルフルな要素の混在。がハウスの様だけど一つのアーティストをとっても幅が結構あるものである。エレクトロニカに近いものもあればjazzに近いものもあったりする。ライブ・エレクトリック・バンドとして活躍していた西海岸ハウスの雄、ダブトライブ・サウンド・システム。Dubtribe Sound Systemの「Baggage」は割と同じテイストの曲が多かった。中期代表曲"Do It Now"はじめラウンジ系と言われるものが多いのだろうか。まったりと流しっぱなしで聞ける曲が多い。Dubtribe Sound System「Bryant Street」に比べるとテクノに近い楽曲が多かった電信音が多い。楽器の生音や人の肉声が混じった「Bryant Street」の方が音に存在感がある。

Dubtribe Sound System
Since 1991 Moonbeam and i (Sunshine,) along with sit-in percussionists from all over the world have come together in an attempt to incite change, restore faith and have a party at the same time.Together in various forms we have traveled all across North America (from san francisco to new york city, toronto to miami, whistler to san diego and all points in between,) Across the Pacific (Hawaii, New Years 1999-2000) and various hops across the Atlantic (Paris 1999, Netherlands 1995, 2001, UK 2002, UK-Spain-Germany 2003.)
Dubtribe Sound System are a live band, we do not pantomime to a pre recording, nor do we replay pre produced sequences, we have not performed with a computer, we perform our music live and on the fly.? We also spin records from time to time, but that's another thing, and never considered Dubtribe Sound System.Sunshine (the male,) makes the music. Moonbeam (the female,) executes the mix, the effects, and sings like an angel.And a following of live african and latin percussionists accompany this electronic mass of cables to create an unstoppable and infectious energy for your spirit as well as your mind.
In the studio our roles are more diverse. Moonbeam and i have worked at a creative partnership for well over a decade and have found that while some prefer a formula, we are constantly pushing ourselves, and re inventing the sound that has become not only the DSS experience, but also the sound of imperial DUB recordings and (dare we say) influenced modern electronic music in general. There are no set positions, or rules. We do not imagine ourselves as anything other than lovers of music, and the indescribable high that comes from dancing to the sound of your heart, your inner fire, your unexpressed thoughts and feeling that peel off your head like the skin of an onion while you practice a little more disco kung foo.


Treehouse Muzique

Dubtribe Sound System & Chilli